Looking for a competent team to tackle your game design demands?

We have an entire lineup of professional game designers that are proficient in all spheres of game design and production.

The Team

These are the members of the core team at Signum Ludens:

Thomas S. Leme

Founder and Game Director

Over 15 years of professional experience in game development, mainly as a game designer and producer. Over 8 years of teaching and mentoring game designers. Game Collector and Cat Lover.

Marcus Oliveira

Lead Game Designer and General Producer

Over 10 years of professional experience in the game industry, ranging from journalism, media, marketing, development and production.

Irina de Plato

Game Designer

Working with system, level and narrative design for 4 years. Over 8 years of professional and academic background in culture and languages. In love with folklore studies and avid TTRPG player.

Gabriela Moura

Game Designer

System and level designer by heart. Over 4 years of experience in game design and level design. Book lover and indie game enthusiast that loves experimenting in game design.

Guilherme Dovadoni

Senior Game Designer

With a passion for crafting immersive gaming experiences, Dovadoni has honed his skills in various domains of game design for the past 6 years - including system, level, economy and general game design.

Iago Muraki

Game Designer and 3D artist

Working with game development for the past 3 years, varying between game design, 3D modeling and programming. (Extreme) Hardcore gamer.

Guilherme Gaspari

Senior Game Designer

Over 10 years of experience in game design, programming and general production. Gamification specialist and game design teacher. Board games enthusiast that also brews DnD houserules and craft beer.

Hugo Oliveira

Game Designer and Producer

Founder of BRAT, a NGO of games speedruns for fundraising. International judge of card games tournaments. Over 8 years of experience in games producing and content creation.

Daniel Saes

Game Designer

Business school graduate, MMORPGs and card games enthusiast, working in the industry for 4 years.

Dave Ferreira

Lead Artist

Over 7 years of art, illustration and design experience. Illustration and concept art teacher, and crazy about old-school JRPGs.